Porto has long been associated with Port, but even if Port is not your drink, there are still so many reasons to visit Porto, and I shall outline a few in this post. A port celebrating Port will have to wait for another time.

The special bond between England and Portugal can be traced back to the Treaty of Windsor in 1386, sealed by marriage between Portuguese King John and an English lady,  with English archers helping John win the battle of Aljubarrota.

In 1662, English Charles II married Catherine of Braganza, who is credited with bringing tea drinking to England, perhaps Portugal’s greatest contribution to England.

A claim perhaps disputed by Jose Mourinho, who has lent his special talents to several English football sides. 

But the glue that holds our two nations together must surely be port. When the wars between England and France made it difficult for us to import wine from France, who else could we turn to but the Portuguese?They discovered that adding brandy to help preserve the wine created something rather special and so Port was born. 

Much  of Porto’s culture and tourism  is tied up with Port, but there is so much more for the visitor to see and do when you visit Porto. It is a perfect city break being just a few hours flight from the UK and with multiple carriers allowing you choice on times and budget

Lello’s Bookstore 

The most beautiful bookstore in the world owes much of its popularity now to Harry Potter, whose English author is said to have been inspired by the shop’s centrepiece staircase. It stands proudly in the middle of the shop and branches out in two wings to the next floor

Visit Porto Lello's Bookshop

You now have to pay €5 to enter, with the price being deducted from the cost of a book. There are always queues as it is one of the most visited places in Porto, so it is best to arrive early and without backpacks or large bags. 

The Serralves Park 

In  a city of striking architecture, the Serralves Museum really stands out, a curved slab of white stone. A museum of contemporary art, its displays are intended to spark debate about modern art and the environment. It also houses exhibitions from contemporary artists from around the world. On my visit, I was fortunate that the celebrated photographer, Cindy Sherman, had an exhibition, but as the exhibitions change frequently, there will always be another reason to visit Porto again… apart from the fact that one never sees everything one wants to see.

The museum is situated in a park designed in the French style, featuring sculptures reflecting its art and environment theme. The set up is competed with a pink Art Deco villa. 

It is the second most visited museum in Porto with entrance costing €20. 

The Rotunda da Boavista

In a quiet garden located inside one of Porto’s busiest roundabouts stands a monument some 148 feet tall. At the top stands the lion of Great Britain and Portugal crushing the Imperial French Eagle. 

The best view of the Rotunda, and the 8 streets that converge upon it is from the VIP suite of the  adjacent Casa da Musica, the modern concert hall standing in stark contrast to its neo Gothic surroundings. 

You can also admire the Azulejo tiles inside the suite, depicting the Dutch heritage of the architect.

Azulejo Tiles 

Azulejo tiles - visit Porto

The blue and white tiles that adorn many of the public and private buildings of Porto are among its iconic sights and are considered to be one of the main reasons you should visit Porto. . They can be seen everywhere from private homages to heroes to huge murals on public buildings such as the San Benito railway station, one of the most beautiful in the world, showing scenes from Portugal’s history.

Nearby stands a huge mural depicting poverty along the Douro, showing that Alulejo tiles are a living and current art form 

The Douro River 

The Douro has played a huge part in Porto’s trade. Barrels of wine were transported down the river in Rabelo boats, before being stored in the Vila Nova de Gaia region of the city. 

The wine is now carried by road, and the old boats are used to take tourists up and down the river. 

Start by taking the train from San Benito along the river bank to Pinhao. The journey takes just under 2 hours and costs about €13.


Cumeira - Visit Porto

Stop off in the village of Cumeira for a taste and feel of traditional Portugal at Come 2 run by the Altrapada family. Get your hands dirty in son Manuel’s pottery shed. Alberto’s passion for rocks and soil is balanced by the mastery his wife Rosa demonstrates in the kitchen with a simple, but oh so delicious meal of rice, mushrooms  and pork.

The meal is complemented by Alberto’s wine, and if sufficiently complimentary, you may be treated to some of his 30 year old port.


The medieval fortress and city is associated with the founding of Portugal in the 11th Century. The fortress is at the top of the hill, with a monastery a little lower down and the cobbled and narrow streets of the town below. The narrow streets lead to wider squares, such as the Largoda da Oliveria and its ancient olive tree where you can pause and take a coffee and pastry. 

Porto’s Museum district. 

The Museum district provides a great view of Porto’s most famous bridge, the Ponte de Dom Luis, and consists of 7 museums: the Chocolate Story, the Fashion and Textile Museum, the Story of Porto, The Bridge Collection of cups and goblets, the Cork Museum and the rather eccentric Pink museum celebrating all things pink. The museums essentially summarise everything that makes Porto the city it is today. 

The food tour 

Shop at Visit Porto

Porto has a lively gastronomic scene, from its “heart attack on a plate”, the Francesinha, a sandwich of various meats covered in melted cheese and a beer sauce right up to elevated Michelin starred restaurants. A food tour will take you through markets and small back street shops where the locals shop and where the shopkeepers will deliver a dollop of gastronomic history on the side. 

Mercado Bom Succeso 

After a long day on your feet, where better than to sit down and watch  the world go by than in a formerly derelict fresh food market. The Mercado has been converted into a bustling centre of restaurants, wine and cheese bars and foot boutiques on the ground floor and offices on the first floor. The well priced, 4 star , musically themed hotel Musica completes the set up.


I have managed to get through an entire post about Porto with barely a mention of one of my favourite drinks, Port. I will feature Port in a subsequent post, but let me finish this visit to Porto with a Porto Tonico cocktail, a white port and tonic with various leaves at the Vila Foz, one of my favourite hotels

You can read about it here http://bit.ly/3P348iP

If you would like to visit Porto and ensure that you make the most of your visit, please get in touch. I have developed a number of personal relationships with some of the key suppliers as well as some hard to source activities so that you can really get to see and experience the best that the city and the region can offer