Anthony Kingsley Travel

Anthony Kingsley Travel

 Anthony Kingsley Travel is designed and written to inspire you to travel, to explore and to be curious. 

We all like to travel. We feel excited packing our case, arriving at the airport, station or port, arriving. We are about to experience something new. Perhaps not completely new, it might even be very familiar for those who return to the same spot on holiday or who take the same type of holiday each year.

But it is a change from our normal routine.

And others will relish the opportunity to explore, to seek out new experiences, to see new people.

Travel connects human experience and so you will find many references to writers, artists, performances. Food and drink will play a prominent part, the so called gastrogeography of travel, because food and wine can often define a region or people, perhaps nowhere more so than Italy, although the French might react with a “Pah! Michelin was a Frenchman!”



By hook or by crook, I hope you find yourself possessed of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.


These thoughts were written by Virginia Woolf, a writer I find hard to read, but one who sums up my thoughts on travel so well

So let us let the lines of thought dip deep into the stream

Anthony Kingsley Travel